LUNCHTIME TALK | Nick Byrd, "The Why and How of Making an Academic Website"
You can find the slides for this talk here. The video about making a website is below.
There are plenty of studies showing that having a followable online presence increases your citation rate. This is why some people think that having an online social media presence is helpful for hiring and promotion. But what about a website? Do you need one? There are a few reasons to think that you do (e.g., greater control and maintenance of your online presence than university profile pages provide). In this talk I will quickly lay out the reasons for having an online presence and a website. Then I will quickly go over some popular website-making options (some of which are free). I will spend the majority of the session making someone a free website — if someone tells me (in advance) that they want one; otherwise, I’ll just make a mock website. So when you leave, you should not only be able to make a decision about making website, you should be familiar with the process of making a website. And one person should leave with their own free website. Finally, I plan to record my screen during the talk so that you can watch the video of the tutorial if/when you decide to make your own website.
NB: please RSVP with Dr. Stein so that there can be enough food.