CONFERENCE: Werkmeister Conference honoring David McNaughton, Professor of Philosophy, FSU
Friday, March 24
Longmire Building, Room 204
9.30 Jeff O’Connell (FSU): Nietzsche on Forgiveness
10.30 Kate Norlock (Trent): Forgiveness as a Speech Act: Warmed-Over Warmke
11.30 Josh Lupo (FSU): Revising Forgiveness
2.00 Mike Peterson (Asbury Theological Seminary): C. S. Lewis on the Necessity of Gratuitous Evil
3.00 Mark Nelson (Westmont): Heaven, Hell and Holism
Keynote - Dodd Hall Auditorium
4.30 Jonathan Dancy (Texas): Three for the price of Two: an Intellectual Journey
Saturday, March 25
Longmire Building, Room 204
9.00 Michael Robinson (Chapman): There is Nothing Wrong with Promising to Supererogate
10.00 David Bakhurst (Queen’s University): Practice, Sensibility and Moral Education
11.00 Russ Dancy (FSU): The Idea of the Good: On the Metaphysics of Ethics in Plato’s Academy
12.00 Stephen Darwall (Yale and Butler): Might There Be Two Species of Butlerian Conscience?