In 1965, Florida State University's Department of Philosophy implemented its bachelor’s and master’s degree programs, and — for the first time in the state of Florida — instituted a doctoral degree program in philosophy.
The department is committed to maintaining an exceptionally strong faculty, and new appointments are made regularly. The faculty has a wide array of interests, with special strengths in ancient and modern philosophy, ethics, logic, action theory, metaphysics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of religion and philosophy of biology.
If you are interested in pursuing a master's or doctoral degree in our program:
Conferences and Projects
In Fall 2024, the department proudly hosted its Werkmeister Conference in Honor of Alfred Mele.
The department hosts the annual Werkmeister Conference (recent topics include Normative and Other Interests, Kant on Moral Perfectionism and Naturalism, and Skepticism), the annual Minorities and Philosophy Conference, the annual Florida State University Free Will, Responsibility, and Agency Conference, the bi-annual UF-FSU Philosophy conference, biweekly talks from department members, talks from the Philosophical Psychology Group (PPG), and a colloquium series.
The department has also been privileged to be the home of the generously funded Big Questions in Free Will Project and Philosophy and Science of Self-Control Project.
In addition, the department publishes "Social Theory and Practice," a leading journal in social and political philosophy founded by the department in 1970 and "Berkeley Studies," a web-based journal dedicated to promoting the scholarly understanding of the life and philosophy of George Berkeley.
Director of Graduate Studies: Professor Piers Rawling
Director of Graduate Admissions: Professor Andrea Westlund