The PGSA’s functions are performed by officers and committees. The following is a list of our officers and committees, a brief description of what they do, and the chairs of the committees.
2024-2025 Officers
President: Micah Summers
Vice President: Myungjun Kim
Secretary-Treasurer: Dylan Masterson
Conference Committee Chair: TBD
Social Committee Chair: TBD
Writing Committee Chair: Dylan Masterson
Job Search Chair: TBD
Grad Student Rep for Faculty Meetings: TBD
Faculty Adviser: Zina Ward
Conference Committee
The conference committee organizes and executes two conferences each year: the Free Will, Moral Responsibility and Agency Conference and the joint FSU and UF Philosophy Conference.
Chair: Mike Zahorec (mzahorec@fsu.edu)
Writing Committee
The writing committee organizes a read-ahead workshop for graduate writing in the department. If you have a paper that you’re interested in sending to a conference or off for publication, consider workshopping the paper first with our writing group. The meetings are conducted as requested.
Chair: Dylan Masterson
Job Search Committee
The job search committee organizes a regular group that workshops application materials and organizes a couple stand-alone workshops for important pieces of the application process.
Chair: TBD
Social Committee
The social committee organizes social functions for the PGSA, typically including a department picnic held each semester.
Chair: TBD