

The undergraduate program in philosophy is designed to serve as an integrating core of general liberal studies; as preparation for professional training in other fields, such as law, education, politics, or theology; or as preparation for future professional training in philosophy. The department offers a bachelor’s degree, as well as an accelerated combined bachelor’s/master’s degree program.

In addition to the major in philosophy, the department offers minors in philosophy, law and philosophy, philosophy of science and political philosophy. The department participates in the interdisciplinary minor in philosophy, politics, and economics and in the major in human rights and social justice.

Honors Program

The department participates in the honors program and the honors in the major program, the FIGs program, the Bryan Hall program, as well as the undergraduate programs in the following departments or programs: american Studies, Asian Studies, Humanities, Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Political Science, International affairs, religion, and comparative policy studies. In addition, it offers several courses in CoreFSU.

Plan Your Major

Students have considerable latitude to design the content of a major that meets their needs and interests. For example, a student might focus primarily on ethics, social and political philosophy, logic, the philosophy of science, the history of philosophy, epistemology, cognitive studies, or some distinct period such as ancient, modern, or contemporary. Other majors may want to focus their course work in several different areas of philosophy. Many students find it possible to combine a major in philosophy with a major in another discipline. The department welcomes such arrangements.

In addition to gaining an understanding of the substantive issues philosophers have struggled with through the ages, students majoring in philosophy can expect to develop their abilities to engage in critical examination and evaluation. Such skills have proven to be of great value in almost any type of human endeavor.

Distinguished Faculty

The department’s distinguished faculty are actively engaged in teaching, research, writing, publishing and editing. Students majoring in philosophy can be assured that not only will they acquire a strong background in the history of philosophy but also they will have the opportunity to acquaint themselves with the latest developments in the discipline. 

Visiting Speakers and Colloquia

The department offers regular colloquia in which faculty from other universities present papers and lead discussions on philosophical topics. In addition, the department regularly sponsors conferences; recent topics have included free will, self-knowledge, skepticism, and naturalism and perfectionism in Kant’s philosophy.

Beyond the Classroom

Each semester the department organizes several “Brain Freeze” talks, held at a local ice cream parlor, and presented by graduate students or faculty. The department is also home to the undergraduate Philosophy Club, which meets regularly for discussion of philosophical issues.


Philosophy at FSU

Student Organizations

  • FSU Philosophy Club
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