The Department of Philosophy at Florida State University offers bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree programs. Our students engage with fundamental concepts that underpin our conceptions of ourselves, our social arrangements, and the world in which we live.
The department supplies students with a wide assortment of courses and variety of scholarly activities, providing a thorough, rigorous training in philosophy.
About Us
We have a strong faculty working in a variety of areas, including logic, ancient and modern philosophy, ethics, social and political philosophy, action theory, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of mind, philosophy of religion, and philosophy of science.
In addition to its Colloquium Series, the department regularly hosts Werkmeister Conferences and Workshops, as well as an annual Free Will Conference and a Minorities and Philosophy Conference. The Philosophy and Psychology Group organizes several talks each semester, and we have a series of lunchtime talks by faculty and graduate students. Each semester there are several reading groups of faculty and graduate students.
The department publishes Social Theory and Practice, a leading journal in social and political philosophy, and is host to the online journal, Berkeley Studies.