Advising Contact:
Tracie Mahaffey, Ph.D.
Director of Undergraduate Studies
183 Dodd Hall
Tel. (850) 645-2985
Office Hours: See Adviser Directory
E-mail: philoadvising@admin.fsu.edu
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Important Links:
When and where can I see an adviser?
Appointments are managed and scheduled through Campus Connect. To reserve an advising appointment, log into Campus Connect and select an available time.
Why does the adviser keep so few hours?
Since we have fewer majors than many other departments, the philosophy department employs one faculty member to oversee the undergraduate program. If you cannot come by during scheduled hours, then please send the adviser an email and she/he will schedule an appointment with you outside of office hours.
What do undergraduate advisers do?
The responsibilities of advisers vary from department to department. In the philosophy department, our primary job is to advise students on the completion of the major or minor in philosophy as well as the B.A./M.A. program. Our other duties include, but are not limited to, approval of major changes and addition of philosophy as a second major, evaluation of philosophy courses from other schools for transfer credit, approval of transient requests, and general advice about applying for graduate school.
I can't make it to office hours. Can advisers answer questions over email?
Advisers are happy to answer questions over email. The philosophy advising email address is:
Please be as specific as possible with your questions and provide the advisor with your first and last name as well as your FSU email address. This will help the advisor look up any additional information that might be needed to fully answer your question. For your protection, do not include your social security number in your email.
Sometimes there are questions that the adviser cannot answer. If that is the case, the advisor will direct you to the person or department that can help you.
What are the requirements for the philosophy major?
Visit Major Requirements for more information.
What are the requirements for the minor in philosophy, the minor in political philosophy, or the minor in law and philosophy?
Visit Minor Requirements for more information.
How do I know if I am taking the right classes and if I will graduate on time?
You can view an Academic Requirements Report through Student Central (my.fsu.edu). You can also check your progress against the major/minor requirements on the philosophy department's website. Philosophy department undergrad advisers can also complete an unofficial check of your major requirements.
What is Academic MAPping?
"MAPping" is an advising system that provides students with a recommended eight semester academic plan to graduate in 4 years.
All incoming students are MAPped. Visit the Academic Program Guide for the academic MAP for philosophy majors.
As indicated on the MAP, students are required to meet certain milestones every semester. Students who do not meet this milestones are said to be "off course" and will have a hold placed on their registration. Students who are off course for two consecutive semesters are required to change majors.
Secondary majors (for double majoring students), second bachelor's degrees, and part-time students are not subject to MAPping.
I have a MAP stop. What do I do?
If you have a MAP stop, then you should have received an email from the University Center Advising Office. If this is your first off track semester, then you should contact the adviser here in the philosophy department or come by Dodd Hall 183 during scheduled advising hours.
If you are off track for the second semester in a row, then you have a hard stop and you are required to change majors. To initiate the change, go see an adviser in the department that you would like to major in. Then you must take the major change request form to University Center Advising Office at A3200 UCA (for Basic Division students) or to your dean's office (for other students) for signature before taking the form to the Registrar's Office. Department advisers cannot lift hard stops.
What courses satisfy the computer literacy requirements for philosophy majors?
The following courses satisfy the computer literacy requirement for philosophy majors:
CGS 2060, CGS 2064, or CGS 2100
Do I have to complete a grad check and, if so, when?
All students must request a grad check from the Registrar's Office once they have completed 90 hours. If you do not request a grad check by time you have completed 110 hours, a hold will be placed on your registration.
Additionally, philosophy majors must request a grad check from the Dean of Arts and Sciences at least one (1) semester prior to the semester in which they plan to graduate.