Past Events

Department websites no longer create event pages for their own events since the university's official calendar started managing online event pages during Fall 2018. See "Official Department Calendar" page for the latest departmental event information—it loads just Philosophy Department's events from the university's full repository of events at

LUNCHTIME TALK | Nick Byrd, "The Why and How of Making an Academic Website"

- Location: TBD



You can find the slides for this talk here. The video about making a website is below. 


COLLOQUIUM: Anita Superson, Professor of Philosophy, University of Kentucky

Location: Dodd Hall Auditorium

Title: TBD. For more information about Anita Superson's work, see Anita's website

11th Annual MAP Graduate Student Philosophy Conference

- Location:

The Minorities and Philosophy chapter at Florida State University, is pleased to announce the 11th Annual M.A.P Graduate Student Philosophy Conference to be held on Friday, March 31st, 2017. This year we are greatly pleased to have Anita Superson (University of Kentucky) as our keynote speaker. If you have any further questions please contact Rachel Amoroso at

CONFERENCE: Werkmeister Conference honoring David McNaughton, Professor of Philosophy, FSU

- Location:

Sponsored by the Werkmeister Bequest. Click the conference title for the program and contact information

CONFERENCE: Werkmeister Conference honoring David McNaughton, Professor of Philosophy, FSU

- Location:

Sponsored by the Werkmeister Bequest. Click the conference title for the program and contact information


Location: Dodd 181 (Seminar Room)

Title: “Normative Interests and the Network Theory.” As with all lunchtime talks, please RSVP with Dr. Stein so that there can be enough food. 

Writing Group: Adam Hamilton's “Bluebeard and Aristotle’s Oikos: Iterations of Male Oppression”

Location: Werkmeister Room

Abstract: Marilyn Frye makes two claims in “Oppression” that I will address.  First she makes the insight that oppression need not always have an identifiable causal agent, but may be the situational result of a system or confluence of environmental and circumstantial factors (Frye 2014 [1983], 377).  This would mean that many individuals and persons are oppressed without there being an identifiable oppressor which we can quantify or to whom we can point.  Secondly, Frye claims that men are not oppressed as men, but only insofar as they are members of particular groups (Frye 2014 [1983], 38

CONFERENCE: UF/FSU Graduate Philosophy Conference


Program TBA. 

LUNCHTIME TALK: Andrew Christman

Location: Dodd 181 (Seminar Room)

Title: TBD. As with all lunchtime talks, please RSVP with Dr. Stein so that there can be enough food. 

COLLOQUIUM: Neil Sinhababu, Associate Professor of Philosophy, National University of Singapore

Location: Dodd Hall Auditorium

Title: Experientialism about moral concepts